Making money on the internet is one of the quick ways you can actually make money without having to do much. It's more easy working from home than doing a 7-9 Job.
Working for someone can really be messy especially if your boss is over demanding. Working from home helps you become your own boss. You are at liberty to work at your own pace and manner.
Below are 5 ways you can make money online from home, but i must warn you. Making money online isn't as fast as bloggers make it seem. It takes time and smart work, yes you heard me smart work because it takes the right marketing strategy to actually be able to make money online fast.
1. Create Digital Products
Digital Products are soft copy products which cannot be touched or felt. Creating a digital product on your blog, such as a video course or an area with exclusive content, and selling it is one of the best ways to generate passive income and make money online.
The idea is to create these exclusive content, put them under a payment system and present it to your readers. If you automate it with a sales funnel through email marketing or prerecorded webinars, you will no longer have to deal with anything other than collecting revenue.
2. Create a Podcast
Podcasts are content in audio format. The podcasting is very popular in countries like the United States, where it is estimated that 21% of Americans have listened to a podcast in the last month.
To create a podcast , you should simply record your shows, interviews or audio reflections and upload them to a platform such as iTunes , iVoox or Soundcloud .
The podcasts are now a good opportunity as yet there is little competition , so creating a channel that addresses an unmet need have enough numbers to get a good audience.
To make money with a podcast there are several options:
Sponsorships: if you have a community of followers and you deal with topics where there may be companies interested in advertising, you can get in touch with them to offer them the opportunity to sponsor you
Create paid content: you can make some of your podcasts can only be listened to by paying a small amount
Recommending products: if you recommend services or programs in your podcasts, you can include their affiliate links in the description to earn extra money
Patreon: this platform also allows you to integrate payments (monthly or by podcast), so that whoever wants to subscribe to listen to your content must contribute the amount that you have stipulated.
3. Sell Your Services Online
Although you can sell them through your blog, YouTube channel or podcast , if you still don't have an audience you can advertise on platforms specialized in connecting freelancers who offer their services online with interested users.
The jobs offered by freelancers on these platforms are usually 100% online, such as translating a text, composing a jingle, editing a photo or making a marketing plan.
These are the three most popular plafatormas of the moment:
· Upwork
· Fiverr
It is possible to make a lot of money with this type of business if you become popular and your services are in high demand. In fact, I know people who dedicate themselves full-time to serving clients doing translation works.
4. Sell Courses online on other Platforms
By Selling courses you can make money online fast. If you want to sell an online course but are not willing to work for months to build an audience on your blog, you have a faster alternative.
There are platforms like Udemy or Tutellus where you can become an instructor by uploading your own paid video course. These platforms usually receive thousands of visits a day from people interested in learning about a specific topic, and if your course meets a demand and meets the expectations of users, you can earn a lot of money.
Unlike your own blog, to sell on Udemy you must adjust the price of your course (according to the studies of the platform itself, 90% of the courses sold are below 60 Dollars).
5. Sell your Creations online
If you like photography, composing music or programming, you have a business opportunity on some platforms that act as a marketplace , putting creative people in contact with clients.
The concept is simple: you associate with these companies and they include your creations in the list of products on their website. When a client buys the license to use your content (be it a photo, a music jingle or a web template), you earn money and they take a commission.
These are some of the most popular marketplaces:
· For photography, you could register in image banks as a provider in Shutterstock or Fotolia , where they pay you a percentage of the subscriptions of customers who download your photos.
· For music, you could join Encore (a website specialized in hiring musicians for events) or license your creations online at Airbit or AudioJungle .
· If you create web templates or plugins , you can sell them through Themeforest . It is the most popular platform for buying and selling digital products, where some suppliers have invoiced more than 1 million euros a year.
With these you can earn extra money each month to supplement your other sources of income.
Nice one🙌🏽♥️