The Ultimate Guide to Web Design

Wed design encompasses many skills involving the production and development of websites, web pages and software applications for the web. Different areas of web design include web graphic design, interface design, user experience design, coding and search engine Optimization.

If you're considering making money online, web design is a good way to start. Web designers earn a lot of money and are one of the most sort after people on the internet Today. Web design is a career to kick start easily as long as you have a laptop, a mobile phone and steady internet connection.
Webdevelopment is all about planning, conceptualizing and arranging content intended for the internet. It involves work related to layout, design and functionality of web pages, web apps, mobile apps and user interface designs. Pretty Cool Right?

What Do Web Designers Do ?

It is Common to think a Web designer only creates attractive and fully functional website, very true but they are like demi Gods and they do more than that. All beautiful and responsive web pages you've come across on the internet whether it's google or websites or Instagram were all created by web designers. 

Web designers create pages using markup languages like HTML or XML, they also style and  make those pages beautiful by using CSS. They build the pages and also define how it appears in browsers. 

It is also possible to be a web developer or designer without knowing any Computer programming language. Yes you heard me, that was exactly how i started my Web designing Journey. This was made possible by Content management platforms such as WordPress, CMS etc.

WordPress is one of the best known, i personally use word press. A web designer only has the task of installing and customizing the templates according to what his clients wants. 

A Web Design Salary 

A web designer works for web design companies or Agency. He earns roughly $300 - $500 dollars depending of his/ her intellectual strength, ability and experience. Web designers can also work as freelancers on platforms like Fiverr and earn as low as $5 or $100 for any client they satisfy. 

10 Skills Needed to Become a Web Designer

If you're starting up do not be overwhelmed. You mustn't know all of them before you can get started on web design. You only need to have a little knowledge of everything. Just like cooking a meal. They are all ingredients needed in bits to make your career as a web designer very successful. They are:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • UX
  • Visual Design
  • Design Software E.g Photoshop
  • Time management
  • Communication
  • SEO and Social Media Marketing
  • Business/ Client Management
  • Javascript
The Basic Skills you need to learn are ; HTML, CSS, UX. Others you learn as you go. I started with HTML.

How To Learn Web Design Online

If you are looking for where to learn web design online for free, these resources will be very useful to you. There's nothing mysterious or mind boggling about the skills you need to be a web designer. But the question is where and how to learn all of them, These resources would give you a great Foundation in your web design Career.
    1. Google 
    2. Youtube ; These two will get you started but if you really want to move deeper
    3. W3School
These ones are paid but cheap resources online:
    1. Udemy
    2. WpWiz Ebook : For only $10 you can learn to be a web designer without coding.
    3. Code Academy


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